Friday, November 30, 2007


Tuesday night Alex and I went with our niece Greta (18) and her boyfriend to an Aquabats concert. It was super rad. The Aquabats are a poppy ska band that were huge in the late 90s. They are a bit older--but put on an out-of-this-world performance. They dress up in costumes (the famous blue aquabat spandex, black Zoro masks, and "utility belts") and fight bad guys on stage. Plus also, the music is fun.

So, the Aquabats co-created this new CrAzY show on Nickalodean called Yo Gabba Gabba (produced by Alex's cousin Justin!). It is a show loved by kids and grown-up-kids who overdosed on Sesame Street and Saturday Morning Cartoons in the 80s. They have 5 funny characters (robot, wolf, alien-like creatures, etc.) and have guest stars (Elijah Wood, and lots of indie bands), kids, and songs (There's a Party in my Tummy!). (We have never actually seen the show, because we don't have cable--but we watch pieces on YouTube).

Anyway...DJ Lance Rock (guy in big orange hat) opened for the Aquabats and....the characters from Yo Gabba Gabba danced on stage! AND WE MISSED IT!!! We got to the concert a bit late--and they had just finished and left the stage. Bummer. We saw a family from church there with their little ones--they got to go up on stage and dance. Muno even tried to pick up the baby. How cool is that!? I suppose it would be like me going to a concert as a 2-year-old and getting to meet Big Bird and Snuffy. Whoa. I wish.

But...the concert was super fun and it is always fun to go to concerts with Greta.

1 comment:

MKShelley said...

I've been meaning to watch that show, but have never gotten around to it.