Thursday, November 8, 2007

My Grader

I have the best husband (sorry ladies, but it's true!). Alex has been commuting to Portland everyday (getting up at 5:15 a.m. to make the morning train and not getting home until nearly 8 at night)...yet he doesn't let that be an excuse to not help out at home. He knows that I'm busy and tired when I get home too.

This last Tuesday I needed to grade some exams for the Basic Math class I teach at the college. We've started a tradition with grading exams: I bring home the tests and pizzas--we divvy up the problems--and then spend the evening comparing weird answers and helping each other with those tough-partial-credit decisions. It is so fun! It sounds weird--but it is really fun to share my teaching experience with him. Anyway--on Tuesdays I don't get home until 8:30 pm because I work late and then have a late night Yoga class. I came home with the pizza and found the house straightened, the dishes done, candles lit, and the coffee table cleared and ready for exams.

I love my husband! It's so great being married to someone you like. I highly recommend it.

1 comment:

MKShelley said...

If you highly recommend it, does that mean there are openings available? (Clearly I'm kidding, because I happen to think that David is the best husband in the world.)