Sunday, November 25, 2007

An exerpt from a rambling Journal entry...

"Life isn’t a competition to see who is engaged in the most worthy or time-consuming cause! Life is a test to determine how we meet the challenges our Heavenly Father presents for us—by our actions and our attitudes. Life is so much more than this week’s To Do List. When we sacrifice the "best things" in favor of crossing off the more obvious things from our List—we are not getting any closer to becoming the whole and healthy daughters of God that we desire to be! Life is made up of moments. How we live in each moment IS our life. SO…choose wisely."

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Very well said!!! It reminds me of Elder Oak's conference talk about choosing between good, better, and best. I am really trying to apply what he taught to my life and based on your journal entry, it sounds like you are doing a pretty good job of it.