Monday, March 2, 2009

Grandpa Paul Harvey

I used to think that Paul Harvey was my grandpa.

Really. My Grandpa Dwayne Case was in the talk radio business (in the 70s?) and has presumably been heavily influenced by Paul Harvey. Some of my earliest memories of my grandpa involve his recording studio (and the intriguing green foam ball on the microphone). Throughout my life, my grandpa has created mixes of comedy and music, all narrated by himself. His voice, his cadence, his laugh, and his radio personality are all a familiar and integral part of he who is "Grandpa".

And, to me, Paul Harvey sounds just like my Grandpa.

Now that I live far away, I don't see my Grandpa as often. We correspond through letters and on the phone...but...when I want a little touch of home, all I need to do is turn on the AM radio to "Paul Harvey News & Comment" or "Paul Harvey and the RRRRRRest of the Story!" and I am back in pigtails playing in grandpa's recording studio.

And so it is that I feel a bit sad today after learning about the passing of Mr. Paul Harvey because, for me, he has been like a Grandpa-over-the-mains. (I do believe my Grandpa is still alive. I plan to call tonight and make sure--as I have never been entirely certain that they are NOT the same person).

Anyway, thank you Mr. Harvey. May you rest in peace...and...Good Day!


Becky said...

That is so cool, Jen! Thanks for sharing that piece of your history. :)

meg said...

When Jason saw the status note you put on Facebook about a new blog entry about Paul Harvey, he predicted it would be about Grandpa. Wouldn't it be fun if Grandpa had a blog? He'd be updating it constantly with news clippings, jokes, Grandma's poetry and anecdotes of all kinds. He'd probably blog more than any of us!