Tuesday, March 17, 2009

> 8 Months

So...to appease multiple requests...here are some Jen's Belly pictures!
I am a little more than 8 months along now. I adore this little fellow who is wiggling and growing inside of me. He has been pretty settled in a head down position for a long time. He likes to wiggle his bum, feet, and knees around against my belly. He is about the right size and seems healthy and happy!
I'm now going to my midwife appointments every week. They continue to be very uneventful. I don't have any major complaints. I feel really big and awkward, but for the most part I am content. By the end of the day I am a bit sore, swollen, and tired--but I have a very supportive husband who encourages me to get a full night of rest every night.

This is my last week of work! Hooray! A few weeks ago, my co-workers threw me a surprise baby shower. It was super fun. Then, last week, the student tutors (that I supervise at the college) threw me another baby shower. This was the cake my co-worker made. It was HUGE and super yummy (raspberry/whipped cream filling). Plus also, it was super cute with the little blue feet (sugar cookies).
Yup. I'm huge. Even my maternity jeans are getting kinda snug.

We've also been working like crazy to finish the recording on our album before baby arrives. We were hoping to be done recording AND mixing...but we would settle for just finishing recording.

Monday was a fun night...we recorded vocals for one of our favorite songs (River). We used Eric's new fancy microphone: a ribbon mic with two sides. We sang into opposite sides of the mic at the same time (on one track). It was really different and fun. But, as you may know, Alex is a bit taller than me (6'2" vs. 5'4)...so I had to stand on a stool. The guys were very nervous that I would fall and they would get in trouble for being the dumb guys that made the balance-deficient pregnant lady stand on a wobbly stool (I managed quite well--I haven't fallen yet!)

This is the one major source of stress in my life. It's supposed to be the baby's room / guest room. I think there is a floor under all that stuff somewhere. This room has served as a place to put stuff as we have slowly unpacked from October's flood. Now it has a few odd boxes of stuff and a whole mess of hand-me-downs and shower gifts for baby.
Okay. I just deleted 4 long boring paragraphs. Basically, this room is stressing me out. But, I think I have some ideas on how to make things work until I have the time to get it in order. After all, the only thing baby will need the first few weeks of life is mom and a diaper. Actually, baby doesn't really need a diaper...but I would prefer it that way. Otherwise, baby doesn't care if his clothes are clean or he has a crib or his cute little lamp set up. Seriously, it's not that important.
So...I'm taking a deep breath and moving on with the week. I haven't had much time to breathe, let alone blog. But, look at that...I found a moment to blog. Now I'm going to go kiss my sweet husband (who is doing the dishes) and go get some sleep.


Janelle said...

wow I can't believe it is already so close! That is pretty funny about you standing on the stool and everyone being worried. I am excited for your babe and for your recording!

MKShelley said...
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MKShelley said...

Ahem... what I *meant* to say, was:

Look how cute you are singing into that mic!

You're pretty cute too Jen!

It's not as funny the second time, I know, but give me a break... it's 4am!

Andrea said...

Ooh... so close! You look great - I LOVE the belly shots.

Becky said...

LOVE the blog!!! I'm so excited you have someone coming to help with the baby's room!!!

stef said...

I love your cute belly! I wish I could fly down right now and help with baby's room!:(

Candice said...

What a cute preggo girl!!! Don't worry, everything will fall into place by the time you need it to. :)