Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fool's!

My mother-in-law's favorite holiday is April Fool's Day. Really! When her kids were younger, she explored all of the possibilities of this silly day. My favorites: she hid toothpicks in pancakes (yikes!), baked cotton balls in biscuits, and swapped out apple juice with apple cider vinegar (YUK!).

Rather than being afraid of this day, Alex relishes the opportunity to show off his devious and creative side. So, I try to be alert come April first. But, but, but...

I am getting a little sick (I guess that is my excuse). It's Spring, blossoms are blooming, and my allergies are engaged! Not only was I feeling out of sorts this morning, but I was also feeling very determined--a combination that put me off my guard. Just this week I have started a new morning routine. I'm now leaving for the gym at 5:20 instead of 6:30 am. So, when I woke up this morning feeling EXHAUSTED and SICK, I was bound and determined to get my butt out of bed and go to the gym!

Which is probably why I missed all of the signs.

I was not surprised enough at the lack of cars in the gym parking lot. (Wow, everyone slept it! I was proud of myself for getting up!)
I ignored the strange looks I got from the two employees at the gym (who were cleaning equipment)--incidentally, they were the only other people in the gym.
I did notice that the TVs were all showing infomercials, but I figured they were not on their regular channels.
I felt greatly fatigued...but I chalked that up to being under-the-weather.

But it was tough to ignore the signs when I saw the biggest one of all: with 2 minutes left to go on my timer, both clocks in the gym read 2:58.

At first, I wasn't certain who had pulled the prank--was it Alex or Gold's Gym? It took a few minutes for the above signs to replay in my mind. It took me a while, but I got there.

Alex had set the clocks back.

I went to the gym at 2:30 am.



Candice said...

Ugh, I would have killed him. Did you hear what Ryan did? He told everybody he got his g/f pregnant. Adam totally bought it. He is such a fart.There really is no better word.

Juliekins said...

I am sorry, but I am rolling with laughter. what a punk.

MKShelley said...

I'm literally laughing my butt off out loud! I'm worried that my kids will wake up, but I can't stop laughing! I'm sorry you had to do that, but you have to admit that it's kind of funny.

Props for going to the gym that early. I should start doing that. I usually go during the day and bring the girls and put them in daycare, but they cry, and then I get called over the intercom. At least in the morning if I went they would be home in bed with David.