Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Here comes the flood...

Hmmm. I could word this post in such a way as to complain about the flooding of our apartment last night. I could lament about the inconvenience of sleeping on an air mattress in the living room because the bedroom is full of wet and the bed is full of stuff. I could moan about the amount of clean-up and my lack of time. I could explain about how Alex and I are busier at work than we have almost ever been. I could expound on the hardships of our upstairs neighbors: their half of the basement also flooded, they need a new water heater, they have a new baby due any day, and the husband is also super busy at work. I could. I could complain about how inconvenient this all is. It is. But I won't.

Instead, I hope you will indulge me while I list a few of the things for which I am grateful:

1) I'm grateful my good husband has a job (well, 2 jobs) during this time of financial instability in our nation. I'm grateful that he works so hard to provide and save for our growing family.

2) I'm grateful that I have a job that I love and will continue to put my best effort into this job while I am in this stage of my life.

3) I'm grateful that I have a house to sleep in. I'm grateful for electricity, yummy food, and great house-mates.

4) I'm grateful that we are getting new carpet and an additional room now so that we can prepare the house to fit one more soon.

5) I'm grateful for a great extended family: for siblings that I continue to grow closer to, for sibling-in-laws that have become an integral part of my life, for loving parents, living grandparents, and nieces and nephews that have become some of my best friends.

6) I'm grateful for my Savior. I'm grateful for the knowledge that God will not give us more trials than we can handle! I'm grateful for a Savior on whom I can cast my burdens.

7) I'm grateful for my calling in Young Womens and the joy it brings me to watch this girls grow in the Gospel!

8) I'm grateful for wonderful landlords that are so much more than that. I'm grateful that we are good friends and can look to each other for support, dinner, or a good laugh.

9) I'm grateful for this new life growing inside of me and the excitement it brings me every day!

10) Can I say I'm grateful for my husband again? I'm grateful that he loves me so much...that he tucks me in at night...that he thinks of ways to lighten my burdens, even when he himself feels so heavy laden, that we make a good problem solving team, that we like each other, that he is an amazing male primary chorister, and that he is such a good friend to me!

Sorry if this is a bit personal and/or cheesy. I'm just trying to keep some perspective. A friend at church has to watch her husband endure another 8 weeks of chemo. A family member is grieving over the loss of a child. A friend is faced with intense financial hardships.

Plus there are all those kids starving in Africa, right?

1 comment:

Candice said...

There really is no other choice in hard times except to remember what you do have, the blessings and the people that love you. I've been trying REALLY hard to do this the past couple of days. You can either drown in the river of mess of you can at least float in it.