Sunday, August 17, 2008

Aug Tour: Port Townsend

In a false start for our tour, Kalaloch played the first show in Port Townsend, WA last night (Saturday) at The Boiler Room. We had a handful of people listen who seemed to really enjoy themselves. We felt like we played really well--so I deem the night a success.

The other bands were great. They were all on tour from Portland. Ghost to Falco, Wooden Indian Burial Ground, and Unit Breed. We had never seen the latter two--and found in them a couple of new bands to watch for in Portland.

We stayed Friday night @ Alex's sister's house in Kalama--then drove up Saturday morning. I wish we had had more time--it was gorgeous!
This is a view from the top of the mountain we camped on. Behind Alex is Hood Canal--a bay parallel to Puget Sound. In the very far distance we could just make out the Seattle skyline.

Port Townsend is a town that flourished in the late 1800s. Complete with Victorian buildings and Shanghai tunnels.

The seagulls made their home on the room and pilings of the old clam cannery.

At sunset, hundreds of birds took if on cue.

We have four more days to get press kits sent out, make show posters, practice, pack, and then we kick off our tour in Salem on Thursday and hit the road Friday!


Justin Anderson said...

I posted a comment somewhere but I seem to have lost it. LOL! if you dont see it then email me at

I bumped into Ontario a while ago before my wife and I moved to South Carolina, but there is so much more to tell.

Justin Anderson
Alex's X Roomate

Candice said...

Alex and ponytails? ( I assume, unless he REALLY chopped his hair) ROCK ON.

Yay! We're so excited for your show, I've been tellin' my friends!

Jen said...'s a ponytail (=

I'm glad you're excited for the show! I hope lots of people come (=

Did Adam get the posters?

MKShelley said...

Sometimes I'm jealous of the kidless folk who get to tour and what not. Have fun you guys!