Thursday, April 22, 2010

Studio Pictures

In his debut studio picture session, Edgar was flirty...

...super cute...

...and giggly!

It was lots of fun!


Kathie said...

Holy cow what a cutie! He's just adorable Jen! Thanks for sharing:)

Candice said...

Um, I want a copy of these? Yes, yes I do.

Jen said...

Candice--you will definately get a picture when we get them back! I'll post them all to facebook so you can steal a digital copy of whatever you want! (=

meg said...

look at him working it in those baby pants! baby pants, i love baby pants, especially the baggy boy ones. the other day i started telling Ammon how good he looked in his pants and then I realized how weird it must sound to everyone else, because he's only two. oh well... baby pants take the cake!