Monday, May 3, 2010

Mustachioed Traditions

This, my friends, is a moustache vending machine.
That's right, I said, "moustache vending machine."
It is located at the Skipper's Restaurant in Salem, OR.
This is where we go for lunch after every Edgar doctor appointment.
A new tradition was born: Trip To Doc = A New Moustache.
Trip #1:
Trip #2:

Trip #3:


meg said...


you have a Skippers?

AND a mustache machine?


i must say I am a little jealous. Especially because tonight I really wanted some fish. I can't say the same for a mustache though. I have never seen a mustache machine. That is so cool.

Edgar looks so distinguished.

And Jen, not so bad yourself. Considering... you know... you can't really grow one and all.

Oh and we love the word mustachio!

We especially like to say "Mustachio Dandy" around here. Just cuz it's fun.

This comment is very long.

If you are still reading... this was fun.

Melissa said...

What a good mommy you are and what a cute tradition!! I'm getting excited for the family reunion this summer (that is, if I can find a ticket for under $400...I'm looking everday).

Candice said...

I still say that one mustache looks like a pickle... Now I want a pickle.

Jen said...

LOL. Yep, Meg, I read all the way to the end. The word mustachio is fun. Also, you are welcome to come up for some fish in Oregon ANY time! (=

Melissa--I'm excited for the reunion too! I hope you can find a ticket!

Candice, you should go get yourself a pickle! Do it!