Thursday, November 12, 2009

Quiet Ambition

I'm getting kind of ambitious my imagination. I wish that would translate better to real life. I was playing with my great nephew and great niece this week, and totally admiring their grandma-made quiet book.

I totally remember having one of those as a kid! I remember something about a zipper and shoelaces...and not much else. But I remember loving it.

I have just spent the last hour perusing some how-to sites, including this one that has lots of links that sparked my imagination.

I now have a 2 page word document full of ideas. I would love love to make this and have it ready by Christmas next year (I think having it ready by Edgar's b-day in April is a bit too ambitious).

Hmmm...what about the scrapbook I got really ambitious about and have hardly done a thing on? What about my scripture reading schedule that I am way behind on, not to mention the little fort of unpacked boxes from the flood over a year ago or the pile of mail that needs sorting? I don't think I have the license to get ambitious about a new project.


A girl can have dreams, right?

Ah. There is my son fussing again during his nap. And I wonder why I never get very far on projects. *Sigh* Gone are the days of devoting entire days to my projects.

Guess I just need to learn how to move faster!


Candice said...

Jen, I have a whole book of how to make those quiet books...they might be a little advanced for edge ( they are for about 2-4 year olds) but I'd love to let you borrow it! I'll bring it over during Christmas and we can make copies.

Also, I've got tons of file folder games for when he gets older. I've thought about making your mom a set for when the grandkids come but if you want them I've got them.

meg said...

Whoo! - I hear ya! Story of my life. I get excited, get started, get interrupted, get sidetracked, and when I come back to my project I have to take two steps back [now where was I?] Eventually, it gets stuck in a closet or a file or a box or the back of my mind [and then who knows if I will ever see it again?!?]

Consequently, my house, computer and brain are cluttered with unfinished projects. I take comfort in something I read a while back about how one day there will again be time [days even!] for projects, but it will be because there is no longer the "pitter-patter of little feet" in the house. That helps me when I sigh at all the unfinished business I have.

Of course, Edge might not appreciate the quiet book quite as much in college... but you never know.