Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It's Autumn Time, It's Autumn Time

I love fall. I'm a sucker for the transitional seasons...Fall and Spring. I think I love them because they are so full of promise and hint at wonderful possibilities. Spring hints at the possibilities of warm summer days, new outdoor adventures, and lazy days in the sun. Fall hints of cozy winter fires, new academic adventures, and curling up with good books. Whether those promises are actually realized when Summer and Winter get here is another thing all together.
Anyway, our family has been taking lots of opportunity to enjoy the mild fall weather--we are loving the cooler days!
Playing with cousins...

Playing at the park.

Bath time fun followed by warm snuggley jammies.

...and ninja moves.


meg said...

With looks like that, you could start charging people to see your blog! He is the cutest thing. Just think, you could start his college fund. You know... just in case he doesn't get accepted based on his rockin' good looks.

meg said...

Or his ninja skills, I might add.