Monday, February 9, 2009

Running out of Room...

Here is our little fellow all squished up and happy at 31 1/2 weeks ("7 months")! The ultrasound went great today. The placenta is definitely out of the no problems people! He is (as he has been for months) head down and snuggled in tight. Here are some super cute pictures of his face:

I's tough to see. But in the picture above, you see his head (turned sideways) and his face is looking right at you. His eyes are the two dark spots and you can see his nose and mouth. His head isn't round-looking in the picture because he is really snuggled down there--so you can't see his whole head.
This is from the same angle as the last picture, but his little mouth is open wide in a yawn.

So cute!

And there's his little foot. It was pushed right into my side, so you don't get a real clear outline...but there it is!
Everything is going very well with this pregnancy. I'm a little sore--but for the most part I have no complaints. I got a whole 8+ hours of sleep last night...I know those days are numbered, so I'm trying to enjoy them! Mostly, I just love growing this little guy inside of me. (=


stef said...

so cute!

PappaSistas said...

LOVE IT!!! Little E.A. is sooooo cute already. I never got back to you about recording possibilities. Let's chat soon.

Melissa said...

Did you have placenta previa??? I'm so glad that everything is going good. I can't wait to see him!!! Get as much sleep and rest as possible!!! :)

Jen said...

I didn't have placenta previa--but my 20 week ultrasound showed a low-lying placenta, and the technician didn't measure to see exactly how low-lying it was. So, my physician just wanted to make sure it was out of the way.


Becky said...

We're so excited for you guys! Thanks for the awesome pictures! We just can't wait to meet this little guy and introduce him to ours. :)