Friday, February 20, 2009

Previewing Our Upcoming April Release

I work at a college. So, when people ask me if I have registered yet, my automatic reaction is, "for Spring term classes?" I finally figured out that they meant: "have you signed up for a baby registry yet because I want to buy you gifts but I don't know what you need."

I feel kind of weird signing up for a baby registry. Partly because I feel like I'm dictating what someone should buy for me as a gift. That seems sort of demanding. But mostly, I feel weird because I don't really know what I need! What I really need is parents to give me a short list of their "Favorite Things." (Where, here, "Favorite Things" is capitalized and in quotation marks because I am referencing Oprah's "Favorite Things.")

Don't get me wrong--I totally appreciate gifts. I welcome them. But even more so, I welcome any ideas of what things you just couldn't live without and would recommend for a new, clueless parent. (Feel free to comment and tell me your favorite things!)

Anyway...I'm registered at Target now.

Also, while we were walking up and down the aisles scanning cool stuff, we saw a prenatal baby eavesdropping device. It's cool, because it was cheap and isn't an ultrasound--so no controversial waves are bombarding baby. It's kinda lame because it was cheap and isn't an ultrasound--so it's kinda tough to hear the heartbeat. But, it does come with 2 sets of earphones and a recording cable. Which, of course, we took advantage of right away. So, you can preview our upcoming April release at our website:

It's not the first loudish bumps, it's the very soft, quick, regular ticks in the background.


Candice said...

Obviously I don't have kids ( Duh..)...but just from Savannah and working at the daycare I've noticed a few things....

Advent bottles are NICE! Some bottles are crap, but I really like these bottles. A little more spendy...but worth it.

Skip the diaper rash creams...get Bag Balm. It clears up diaper rash SOOO fast, and any rashes they get on their faces...and there's no harsh chemicals or anything in it.

If you are going to get disposable diapers, I"d get me from changing up to 10 diapers a day...they don't leak.

And...I'll keep thinking about some other things...

Melissa said...

I don't know if you are planning on nursing or not, but I did with both of my girls and I found that a boppy (you can google it to find out what exactly it is) is the one thing that I could not live without. It made nursing so much easier for me because it makes it so much more comfortable. I also loved Luvs diapers b/c they are cheaper than Pampers and Huggies but they don't leak like the off-brand ones do. A swing was also an essential for me. My girls did not like the portable swings that are really low to the ground, but they LOVED the ones that are higher off the ground. Also, unless you are being given a bassinett, don't buy one (unless you really want one) because they grow out of them so quickly. With Cloey, I used a pack 'n' play that had a bassinett attachment to it. Oh, that reminds me...a pack 'n' play is a must (especially if you plan on traveling with your baby).

Melissa said...

Sorry, bassinet only has one t in it.

Andrea said...

I agree with everything that's been said so far. (Although I've never heard of Bag Balm. But swear by Butt Paste. It is miraculous.)

I would add some type of sling or Bjorn type carrier.

They didn't have them when I had babies, but I know a lot of people that LOVE Bumbos.

Baby shopping is SO fun! :)

meg said...

My advice is: definitely pick up a few of those "nose suckers" (as we call them) from the hospital. They have the best ones. The ones from the stores are crap, believe me. Get baby fingernail clippers and a thermometer. Infant Tylenol is nice to have ahead of time, too. I was lucky to have Janelle give me all this stuff in a diaper bag - it was so great to have on hand! And this might be weird to put on a post, but if you're going to breastfeed and need some relief while you're getting used to it, I would have died without Lansinoh Lanolin. Don't forget to get nursing bras too.

meg said...

One more... heck, I might end up posting a million more things, but Jason just reminded me of this. Again, with the breastfeeding, a boppy is a godsend. I know they have them at Target and didn't see if you had registered for it. They have lots of fun covers for them too, so you can register for a "naked" one and then pick a cover.