Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day Mad Lib

My brilliant husband came up with this Mother's Day Mad Lib card for his primary kids to make today. It was a hit! My siblings and siblings-in-law were all together for Mother's Day (& my brother Peter's birthday) tonight--so I had them help me come up with nouns, verbs, etc. over the speaker phone. I then read my mom her mother's day card. It was super fun.

I often go (verb ending in ing) in meadows of (noun) ,
And I (verb) armfuls of (plural noun) of (adjective) .
I (verb) the blossoms the whole (noun) over;
Dear mother, all (plural noun) remind me of you.

O mother, I (verb) you my (noun) with each (noun)
To (verb) forth (adjective) fragrance a whole lifetime through;
For if I love (plural noun) and (plural noun) and (plural noun) ,
I (verb) how to (verb) them, dear mother, from you.

Happy Mother's Day!

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