Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Bushel and a Peck and a Hug Around the Neck

Thank you false positive drug test for compelling my mom to take a short leave of absence from work (while awaiting the further lab results that would eventually exonerate her). She figured that as long as she had to take the time off, she might as well enjoy it!

So, my parents jumped in the car and came up to Salem (from Utah) for a quick visit.

Thank you Spring, for giving us a preview of your sunlight and beauty so we could play in the sand with Edgar's early birthday gifts.
Thank you Papa Case, for getting down on your arthritic knees to play in the sand.

Thank you Grandma, for always having your camera handy to catch those cute candid shots.

Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for the hugs, tickles, songs, treats, presents, and love. Come again soon!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pretending it is Spring

It keeps hinting of Spring here...but then a rainy cold day like today comes along to remind us there is another week of Winter.

Still....we pretend it is Spring by getting outside on the nice days, and playing indoors on the not-so-nice days.
Discovering Flowers

Peek-a-boo at the park

Riding bikes.
This picture CRACKS ME UP! It needs a good caption...any great ideas?
Being silly on the rocking chair.
How to have fun with water indoors when you have no bathtub.
Playing with good friends.

Here you go Grandma and Grandpa--this is your wandering walking boy!

(music in background is "Harmless Sparks" by David Bazan on the album Curse Your Branches, a new favorite of mine and Edgar's)