So, my parents jumped in the car and came up to Salem (from Utah) for a quick visit.
Thank you Spring, for giving us a preview of your sunlight and beauty so we could play in the sand with Edgar's early birthday gifts.
“It is as though the poem, through its exuberance, awakened new depths in us. […] And this is also true of a simple experience of reading. The image offered us by reading the poem now becomes really our own. It takes root in us. It has been given us by another, but we begin to have the impression that we could have created it…[the image] becomes a new being…by making us what it expresses. […] Here expression creates being” (Bachelard).
Here you go Grandma and Grandpa--this is your wandering walking boy!
(music in background is "Harmless Sparks" by David Bazan on the album Curse Your Branches, a new favorite of mine and Edgar's)