This cute kiddo has now spent more time out of the womb than in (=
Edgar is getting to be very inquisitive and talkative. He wants to know the sound for the things he is interested in. Fun stuff Edgar says:
"bah" for ball (785 times a day), "dah" for dog, "ca" for cat
ma-ma, da-da
"na-na" for nursing, "numa-num" for food, smacks his lips together when he wants a drink
What does a dog say? "aaaawwoo" or he pants with an open mouth
What does a cat say? "eeeooow, eeeeooow"
What does a cow say? "mbooo, mbooo"
What does a monkey say? "oooo ooo ahh ahh"
telephone is "hah!" ("hi") with his hand to his ear
Should we check your diaper? *shakes head side to side*
"OW!" said right before he pulls mom or dad's hair or bites mom.
He is crawling super fast, standing whenever there is something to pull up on, and walking (nearly running) around any place he has something to hold on to.
He discovered the stairs, and proceeded to crawl all the way up (with daddy close behind) and knock on the door to the upstairs neighbor's.
Luckily the stairs are in a landing that can be closed off with doors. We are now very careful about closing the door behind us every time we move rooms (=
Food is always an adventure. At Skippers last week the nice old man brought Edgar some J-E-LL-O ("I hope I'm not interfering ma'am."). That's fine with me old man, you are the one cleaning the floors!
Edgar was super excited to realize he could take off his own bib. I was not quite as excited as he.
Our answer to being cooped up this winter: Weekend Adventures! In the last few weeks we have been to the Sea Lion Caves (Edgar thought they were dogs), The Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center (Edgar thought the yellow-bellied marmot was a dog), and some little towns near Eugene (Edgar thought Greta's My Pet Monster was a dog...I'm starting to think that any non-cat, non-cow animal must be a dog in his eyes).
Edgar and me at the museum in The Dalles. We were on a boat.
Edgar and Alex chillin' at the Builders and the Butchers concert.
For the most part, life is grand. There is a bit too much biting, and not quite enough sleeping--but all in all, we are very blessed.
1 comment:
This reminds me...
For Theora's birthday we're taking her to see Vampire Weekend in concert. How did Edgar do? Vampire Weekend is by far Theora's favorite band with the exception of Lil' Wayne, so I think she'll like it. She better. It's setting us back $100 (which is STILL cheaper than a friend birthday party btw)
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